DOD Application

    • Real name:Gabriela


      Where do you live? In Bulgaria


      Ingame name(s): Givanowa

      How long have you played SA-MP: I am playing Samp for 2 months, but before years I was playing mta a lot - for 3 or 4 years I think

      How often in a week do you play SA-MP: Nowadays I am not a regular player, because I am studying for examps - I was playing SAMP 24/7... It will be like that again after 1 month. Now I am playing it about 1 hour in a day...sometimes I can't play.

      Servers you play at: Only GTADM

      Average FPS: 80-90

      How did you hear about DoD?:I heard about DoD from walkz, expert and other bulgarian friends. Also I met with dod's members from the game.

      Your Contacts Options(Steam-Discord-Skype): My discord name is: Givanowa#9294

      Do you know how to use 2shot? (YES/NO):YES

      Will you be an active member on our community?:Yes i will be active, but after 1 month I will be more


      Walkies (Deagle,Sniper)(-/10):3

      Litefoot (-/10):2

      Cbug (-/10):0

      Script Skills (-/10):0

      Mapping Skills (-/10):0

      GFX (-/10):0

      Web Design (-/10):0

      Other Skills (-/10): Being funny

      What other clans have you been in?:No one

      Why are you no longer in these clan(s)?:X

      Why do you want to join us? (Explain in detail):I want to Join DoD because you are very nice to me, I know some of you and I am thankful for helping me. I will try to be a better player and if I can help someone i will. I want to improve with everyone, also.

      What else can you do to be useful to us?:I will be an active member /especially after 1 month/ and if you need help for something I'll be always useful.Hope you accept my application. ^^ Have a nice day!

  • [Blocked Image:]

    Thank you for your application. We appreciate your interest to join [DoD]. Our membertester BlueBerri will reach out to when he can test your skills in runnies & walkies in our own /DoDdm. We kindly ask for your patience until then. We will discuss your application further internally then. We will come back to you as soon as we made a decision. We kindly ask for your patience until then.


  • [Blocked Image:]
    Test made by: BlueBerri

    Runnies skills: 2/10

    2shot speed: 0/10

    Runstyle: 2/10

    Short range: 3/10

    Long range: 3/10

    Walkies skills: 2/10

    Pace: 0/10

    Short range: 3/10

    Long range: 3/10

    Knowledge of 2shot: 0/10

    Only 4shot, no use of 2shot.

    Knowledge of c-bug: 0/10

    I didn’t see any use of c-bug.

    General aim skills: 5/10

    This was by far the best trait about your fighting. You’re surprisingly good at hitting your shots, both with sawnoff and deagle. However, out of my own experience I must say that doing 4shots with sawnoff without having to worry about your runstyle or switching sure does make the task of hitting your opponent a lot easier. The same goes for deagle, hitting your opponent by simply aiming instead of doing c-bug can give a distorted view of your general aim skills.

  • [Blocked Image:]

    Welcome to DoD as a testmember!

    Your test-trial will be 4 weeks where you have to use the [DoDt] tag in your name.

    If you pass the test we'll rename you 2020-06-05 with the full DoD tag!

    Please note: Try to communicate more with our members and get to know everyone.


    -DoD Team

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