Varn-DoD Application.

  • [Blocked Image:]
    Real name:Thomas
    Age: 15.5
    Where do you live?Israel
    Languages:English, Hebrew and Arabic.
    Ingame name(s):Varn/Birb
    How long have you played SA-MP: 6-7 years+
    How often in a week do you play SA-MP: Barely, especially on this period.
    Servers you play at: GTADM
    Average FPS: 80-100
    How did you hear about DoD?: I heard about DoD Clan when I first have played at GTADM and met Ron, as well I have a a friend there, DonVito.
    Your Contacts Options(Steam-Discord-Skype):

    Discord- birb(Abe)#9506
    Do you know how to use 2shot? (YES/NO):NO
    Will you be an active member on our community?:Yes

    [Blocked Image:]

    Runnies (SawnOff,Uzi)(-/10): 6/10
    Walkies (Deagle,Sniper)(-/10):8/10
    Litefoot (-/10):
    Cbug (-/10):7.5/10
    Script Skills (-/10):
    Mapping Skills (-/10):
    GFX (-/10):
    Web Design (-/10):
    Other Skills (-/10):

    [Blocked Image:]

    What other clans have you been in?:None
    Why are you no longer in these clan(s)?:-
    Why do you want to join us? (Explain in detail): First of all, I would like to be part of the DoDlerz clan Ron is my Zona, secondly I have friends over there, and I like the clan in general, would be my honor to be part of it.
    What else can you do to be useful to us?:Depends on what situations am I needed in, I cant think of any right now.

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